Personal Papers Annual!
My newsletter output has been intermittent this last while. And the longer the time between issues, the more happens, then the harder it is to select what to write about, and the more tricky it is to find that old groove. Like after not seeing an old friend for a while, it’s kind of awkward to reach out again. Where to begin? Really, anywhere will do.
People post on social media about running out of steam in these times, but we all have to continue. Keep calm and carry on, right? We have been packing, painting and sorting - preparing to move, carrying on with daily life, still in the pandemic, and still hopeful.

People said, “You should turn your newsletter into a book.”
So I’ve taken them up on it. I’m pleased to announce the publication of the first Personal Papers Annual. Now you can go offline and review the past! Why “save for later” when you can just binge-read all the episodes? Read about living in historic times. Read about self-islanding. Read about Rumi and Ella Young and being accelerated. Read about climate and seasons and the pandemic lockdown. All screen-free.

Yes, it’s a book! And it’s available on Amazon HERE, or email me directly.
On the cover: the view we’ve seen every day from our front window in Vancouver - from a photo by James K-M
History or Junk?
I’ll end this issue with a photo that, oddly, touched my heart. We’ve been selling and giving away stuff on craigslist and this cabinet photo appeared on the feed.
“Beautiful antique china cabinet, bought in London Ontario. FREE.”

I’m sad about the abandoned china cabinets like this one. They were the pride of so many families in the early-mid 20th century in Canada. Catalogue-ordered, brought from other places, or bought in big city stores. Glass doors and wood veneer. Did they survive the depression? WWII? These holders of the rarely-used valuable family ceremonial objects are now rejected, can’t even be given away to the kids of the kids. And the same goes for the silver tea service, the fine china, the collections of miscellaneous liqueur and wine glasses that they once held. Ozymandias. Who wants this stuff? Who values it now? What is important?
(Other images this issue: I’m grateful but have no idea about the origin of the “choose your times” meme, and cabinet photo was on craigslist.)
Thanks so much for reading and subscribing. It means a lot to me.
Catch up on earlier issues HERE, or if you’re reading this on the web, scroll down, or check out the Annual!
Please click the heart to give it some internet love!
And if you haven’t subscribed already….you know what to do: