You've certainly chosen an enormous and shifty subject to tackle....! It's not something that anyone will have the "final" or "conclusive" word on, not maybe till several hundred years from now at least. But all the questions and metaphors do seem to help (me, anyway) get a slight, if slippery grip on how one is to 'be' amidst all this.

Coincidentally (like the old turtle speaking?) I've just been watching the first of a series based on Richard Tarnas's book, Cosmos and Psyche. It's about how historical and current episodes of societal upheaval correspond to astrological allignments, especially of the big outer planets Uranus and Pluto. No doubt it's not as simple as that. But perhaps relevant. I'll look into the current heavenly configurations and get back to you...

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In answer to the question,” Is there a sign or map that has helped you navigate your own version of these times?” Astrology would be one of the answers. Intuition, being present, accountable as well as attentive to dreams would be a couple of others. Thankyou for this splendid and thought affirming/thought provoking ‘read’ dear Carol. Brilliant work.

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This is a brilliant and provocative piece, Carol. I love the references to our old friend McLuhan who "knew culture was looking in the rearview mirror while hurtling forward." I don't know what it would mean to face the music of our own time. I am inclined to be more drawn to the idea of a simultaneity of past, present, and future. But I once wrote a essay called Acceleration that might be relevant https://susiekaufman.substack.com/p/acceleration-15-12-18?utm_source=url.

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Wow, that article was amazing! Thank you so much for the resonance.

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I read it again just now. Alas, it still holds up. Ukraine has finally made the front page instead of "not even worth a few column inches." Not much food on the shelves at the supermarket. Cold, gray, end-of-world feeling to it all.

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