The light of truth emerging from the good before existence. (Plato)
We come to the place before existence, the source of all things and beings, the place where the light of truth emerges and unfolds throughout all seen and unseen creation, throughout all bodied and unbodied beings. All that is emerges from what is not, and yet we refer to it as the Good, as the One.
Yet this One is not the opposite of all that is but is its source. That is the mystery, for this non-being is not the opposite of being, and its pre-existence is not available for our souls to become known by us using any of our current faculties.
The academy teaches the awakening and development of the faculties used to rise and approach the anteroom of this One, but the rest is Mystery. Vocabulary is left behind, the senses are long gone, and even the inner senses are left at the threshold. This final doorway is blocked by its own immense light which pours forth at such a velocity and heat that the soul cannot penetrate near the threshold. The sound of roaring intensifies, and the heat burns off all that ever could be said to “be,” for even this sound and heat and light is self-burning, self-sounding, self-extinguishing. It is simply its own burning brilliant unfolding from itself and of itself.
But past that roaring and blazing gateway, the dark depth of silence unhears itself and flattens all parameters into a disappeared pinpoint, compressed, unknown, unseen, unremembered. The entire space of this universal place (which is still only an anteroom) is thickly packed with compressed crowds of innumerable such disappeared pinpoints, each having held entire eons of worlds and great beings which are now in silent force. Nothing can move, nothing can be. Yet it is.
This room is as unmoved and still as the fiery doorway was loud and crashing.
What is seeing this as I explore? Not the mind, not the mind’s eye. With the help of the academy teachers, I am shown the timeless soulway of seeing and exploring.
More of my notes on Plato study here, at Riffing on Eternity.