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I warmly welcome you to my newsletter, Personal Papers. I’m taking things to heart, and reporting back to you. I’m sending out regular love letters from my imagination and thoughts from inside my heart. Plus an eclectic array of ideas, thoughts and doings for inspiration, fun, and support.

A recent favourite post:

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Every new edition of Personal Papers goes directly to your inbox, and the archive of all the past issues is available HERE, at the website.

What’s Inside

Watch for notes and essays on nature study, meditation, and personal inner reflections and observations. Plus: the life of the imagination. Also, take a sneak peek into my current magical book project, maybe some audio, video …

As our global environment intensifies, I look for a new vocabulary to decode the personal meaning of all these shifts and changes. Scanning, like a weather reporter, I’m reporting to you from the inside with tips, humour and personal food for thought. (Yes, it could get weird at times.)

If you’re curious, interested or intrigued, just go ahead and subscribe. You can unsubscribe anytime. (If you select paid subscription options, GST is included in the fee.)

I’m Carol Sill, a writer and editor, former educator, and long-time personal media advocate. My interests include Platonism and Sufism, meditation and media study, art and culture. I live on rocky Salt Spring Island in BC, Canada, with the abstract artist James K-M and B, our intrepid beagle. Find me on Twitter and Facebook.

Subscribers say

  • “I love your writing. It makes me feel close to you. It’s an injection of beauty in what can, at times, feel a rather bleak and isolating world these days.” CM

  • “Thank you for sharing the creative, individual monastic concept of connection through creative space.” MM

  • “Carol, you have a gift for being simultaneously charming and provocative. Lovely piece!” DS

  • “ - ‘How many layers of image and form are actually in existence between my eyes and what I think I may be seeing?’ That really grabbed me. Expanded my field of vision.” SK

  • “I can't really find the words to express what I am feeling after reading your heartfelt and wise words…just know that they have touched me deeply.” BK

  • “Have always looked upon our postings as 'food for the future historians.' so, keep on trucking.” SB

    Gratitude to Substack: Personal Papers was selected for the first Substack Grow program, and the inaugural Substack Go intensive.

Subscribe to Personal Papers

Writing from the intersection of imagination and reality. Reflections, ideas and commentary. Hand written. Manually curated.


Author of Personal Papers, Editor of Shamcher Bulletin. Having a public journal nurtures my creative life. Sufi/Platonist