Really appreciated,, thank you, Carol. I hope you continue to recover. This injury is nothing to laugh at. Love, Roberta.

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I'm sorry you crashed outta your chair,

and I'm hoping the only injury was a momentary bruise to your pride.

I totally loved all the headlines you found.

As an essentially silly man and a "head-case" as HelenMarie recently called me

I am reminded of the old Horace Walpole quote.

"This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel. "

Horace Walpole ·

Your silly friend, Jim

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Wonderfully fluid and enjoyable. Quirky and rich. thanks Carol

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thanks for reading!

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Love this one for the pure entertainment...and the writing itself. Extraordinary!!

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Thanks - I had fun writing this, hope I wasn't too flippant... haha... get it? flippant!

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I'm wild about this post. The play on perspective, the way you skewer the media, the way an entire way of being can be subject to question in a tumble. Terrific.

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Sometimes it's a situation of laugh or cry, right? Like you, I enjoy writing about seemingly disparate topics and braiding them together.

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Only you, Carol…

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indeed - it's weird but that's me!

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And what would I do without you!

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Made me smile except for the fall, of course, but you not only are you getting over it, you made story out of it: Ah, lounge chairs and other theories :)!

On another note: gratitude: Thank you so for the recommendation--means so much!

PS: Do you remember how many times Hugh Grant says "Whoopsie Daisy" in the rom-com Nothing Hill? So, cute ...

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